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Showing posts from August, 2018

Gingival Recession: Its Symptoms Treatments And Prevention

What Is A Gingival Recession?  Gingival recession or gum recession is a condition in which the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth starts wearing away or starts pulling back. It exposes more tooth or the tooth’s root. In this condition, gaps are formed between the teeth and the gum line which makes it easy for the bacteria to build up. This condition can lead to the complete damage of the bone structure causing severe tooth loss.  This issue is usually diagnosed and treated by a periodontal disease expert or a dentist. Physical examinations are carried out to understand the issue. A probe is used to measure the size of the gum pockets and check whether the pockets are big enough for the bacteria to form.  Gingival Recession What Are The Reasons For Gum Recession?  These are the few of the reasons why gums may recede: Periodontal Disease: This disease is one of the main reasons for gum recessions. This bacterial infection destroys the gum and th...

Dental Abscess Causes Symptoms And Natural Remedies

Introduction To Dental Abscess  Abscessed Tooth can be defined as a pocket of pus that forms around the root of an infected tooth. The abscess is a combination of pus which is a liquid produced in the infected tissue, consisting of bacteria, dead white blood cells, tissue debris and serum. An abscessed tooth is an infection around a tooth that has been spread surrounding the root.  A dental abscess occurs when proper oral hygiene is neglected and when bacteria are allowed to accumulate inside the tooth. According to a survey report, the number of people who have been affected and hospitalized because of dental abscesses has increased by over 40% in the period between 2000 and 2008.  Dental Abscess Causes Of Dental Abscess  A dental abscess can be formed inside a tooth, gum area or the bone surrounding the tooth. There are two types of abscess developed in the mouth. One is a tooth abscess also known as periapical abscess which is caused due to infec...