The Lafayette Optometrist is the destination where you can avail the best eye procedures.
They consist of renowned doctors who have accomplished milestones in the
industry. Their wide services are designed to counter their patients’ demands
and needs.
Some of the common diseases are:

Tearing, also known as epiphora is the
overflowing of tears without any reasons. It is common among babies of around
12 months. However, it can be treated with the help of medication but in severe
cases a surgery might be required.
The Lafayette optometrist accepts
insurance policies for the ease of their patients. All the costs of the
procedures performed, including other service charges shall be cleared either
through insurance or by patients themselves. At the time of appointment,
patients need to fill a form regarding the insurance policy and the services
they want to avail at the clinics.
and Office
Their experienced team consists of Dr.
Richard Durocher. He is a specialized optometrist and has been working in the
industry for a number of successful years. He is also associated with some
renowned societies that are working for the subject of ophthalmology.
Their office is equipped and furnished
with the latest technology. They opt for many procedures using technology that
is unique and only found at their clinics, such as, Lipiflow is used to counter
MGD disease.
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