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Gastroenterologist in east bay

Gastroenterologist in East Bay serves to the best remedy for your digestive ailments

The East Bay Digestive Health Care Center is located in Ogawa Plaza of downtown Oakland. Their website is highly detailed and informative even about the directions to this outpatient gastrointestinal facility of East Bay. They have a section of the patient portal on their website where you can make your online ID and can privately view your visits billing details, details of your investigations and also pay online.

They also have two centers where they conduct various gastroenterology procedures like endoscopy, colonoscopy, and H. Pylori Breath Test. They constitute of eight board-certified gastroenterologists who work as a team in their diagnostic approach and design a treatment best for your digestive ailments, namely East Bay Endosurgery Center, and the Summit Medical Campus.

You can find the details of their Gastroenterologists from their website. Digestive subspecialty also includes casualties; in the case of any such emergency like continuous bloody vomiting or intake of some sort of poison that needs a gastric lavage, they have emergency rooms in their facility, therefore, you can always call them at 911.

The Gastroenterologist in East Bay expects you to download the registration form from the website and fill it before you arrive at their office. In case, you forget to do so, you are requested to arrive at least fifteen minutes before your scheduled appointment. In case, you think that you will be late for your appointment, call them and inform. Otherwise, if you run more than fifteen minutes late for your visit, they will forward your appointment in the rescheduling list.

If your insurance company is offering you the benefit of medical bills coverage, inform the East Bay Digestive Center beforehand so that they can ensure your insurance coverage and make arrangements for asking your insurance company for the part of your treatment expense that you are entitled to. Rest payment is due on you when you visit them for your consultation or procedure. If your company is late in paying your bill and you are paying East Bay Gi via cash, credit card, or check, they will later pay the amount of overpayment back to you once your insurance company pays.

Procedures conducted by the Gastroenterologist in East Bay at the Endosurgery Center at Summit and East Bay, are:

Upper GI Endoscopy

·         You must be empty stomach before the procedure for proper examination of the upper intestinal tract. Moreover, if the procedure is conducted in presence of any food in the stomach, it may lead to massive episodes of vomiting and aspiration even that is food entry in the respiratory tract that may lead to a severe chest infection. Therefore, you are instructed to stop all the food from 12 AM if your procedure is next day. After that till two hours left for the procedure, you can continue with clear fluids, which include:
Ø  Water
Ø  Black tea
Ø  Clear fresh juice like apple juice
Ø  Broth without noodles
Ø  7-Up
Ø  Sorbet (no red)
·         Medications have a very crucial role in the endoscopy procedure so do not forget to inform you're concerned gastroenterologist before-hand.
Ø  if you are on any blood thinning agents you have to stop them a day before the procedure as they highly increase the chances of internal bleeding during the procedure. These medicines include Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Advil, arthritis medications, Excedrin, warfarin, and rivaroxaban.
Ø  If you are on Aspirin due to history of CVA or heart disease, the gastroenterologist may advise you to continue it with certain adjustment to diminish the chances of internal injury
If you a Diabetic and on oral hypoglycemic, just take your morning dose and skip the afternoon dose and the dose just after the procedure. If you are on insulin, consult your primary diabetologist for special instructions regarding your endoscopy preparations.

Please note that if you want to postpone your scheduled endoscopy, inform the East Bay Gastro Center three days earlier or they will charge you $200 for not canceling the appointment on time.


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