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Know About Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is either bringing back the teeth to the natural shade or going beyond the natural color tone. Such process of whitening is possible by removing stains on the teeth. Stains can be formed by beverages you have, intake of tobacco or by the formation of calculus or tartar on the teeth. Teeth whitening, restoration of the original tooth shade can be done only by professional dentists or by following oral hygiene methods at home. Teeth turn yellow by two ways – inner part of teeth called dentin turns yellowish due to aging, and outer portion turns yellow due to staining.
Causes Of Tooth Discoloration
Over time your teeth may lose its natural color for several reasons:
  • Food and drink – Red wine, coffee, and tea are some significant drinks which cause stains on the teeth
                                                        Cause Of Tooth Discoloration
  • Tobacco use – Tar and Nicotine are two chemicals that set stains on the teeth. 
  • Age – As one grows older, the outer enamel gets thinner with brushing and the yellowish substance is more visible which makes the teeth appear as stained. 
  • Trauma – If something has hit you and there is an injury in the mouth, there are chances that your tooth may change the color as it reacts to the damage by laying down more dentin under the enamel. 
  • Medications – Tooth discolorations can be a side effect of certain drugs. Young children who are exposed to antibiotics when their teeth are forming may have the stains at later stages of life. 

How Teeth Whitening Works?

Tooth discoloration is a simple process. Whitening/ discoloration is done by two ways – intrinsic and extrinsic discoloration.


“Intrinsic” refers to the inner part of the tooth which is immersed in hydrogen peroxide gel, which makes the tooth color lighter and gives a brighter look. Intrinsic discoloration can be removed only by way of using a bleaching gel.


Extrinsic whitening is the whitening on the outer part of the tooth. It removes stains on the enamel, stains which are formed food, consumption of tobacco or red wine. Such whitening is done by a hygienist by using polishing and whitening toothpaste or by teeth cleaning. Such extrinsic discoloration can be removed only by professional teeth cleaning.

Staining or discoloration is visible as white streaks, brown spots or yellow tints and pits.
Brushing your teeth after every meal, consumption of wine or tobacco helps prevent staining. Dentists recommend rinsing their mouth after having wine, coffee or other food or drinks which are a probability of staining the teeth. Regular professional teeth cleanings also help in removal of stains.
                                                                  Brushing Teeth

Teeth whitening procedure usually takes fifteen to thirty days of time.
Most of the stains formed by food and drink can be removed by professional teeth cleanings and some home remedies like following proper oral care (brushing twice a day, flossing and rinsing after each meal).
Staining can also be removed by applying dental bleaching gel (teeth whitening agent) to the enamel. Such technique is called “Power bleaching.” This method uses bleaching gel and turns teeth whiter in approximately 25 to 40 minutes.
Tooth discoloration procedure is also possible at home. The bleaching gel recommended by the dentists is to be used with proper care but, the home remedies are not as reliable as those applied by the dentists during professional tooth discoloration.
Whitening kits are also available for use, but those contain weaker bleach than that provided by your dentist.
Whitening toothpaste helps in removal of stains. Such kind of toothpaste can only remove stains but not total discoloration of teeth.
When to seek Professional Intervention?
Extrinsic tooth discoloration is usually considered a cosmetic problem. In case of low confidence or if you feel embarrassed being social about the tooth discoloration, professional intervention is advised. Expert advice should be taken to regain your smile without any effect on gums and teeth.
You can also consult a dentist if you’re not happy with the appearance of your teeth. In case there is a change in a child’s healthy tooth color, it must be examined by a dental professional.
Houston Dentist, Dr. Kelly Zhao says, “Teeth whitening is a process of polishing and cleaning of the teeth. This process also includes removal of all debris. During this process, gums are protected, and bleaching gel is applied to the teeth. The results depend on the natural tooth shade and the degree of discoloration you have.”
Experiencing brighter shades in a single visit is normal. It is also normal to experience some tooth sensitivity problems after a whitening treatment.
Related Article: What is tooth discoloration
Consult your local dental professional for best advice.


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