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Root Canal Therapy: Guide to a painless treatment

Do you feel that you have a severely damaged tooth or that your tooth is severely decayed and gives you immense pain? Then you might need to undergo a Root Canal Treatment.
You might have heard or read that this treatment could cause you pain but that's just a myth. If your dentist recommends you a root canal procedure on your dental visit, then you should proceed it without fear as the goal of this treatment is to remove the pain rather than causing or increasing it. Millions of people repair and save their teeth with successful root canal treatments each year.

Why is Root canal treatment required?

You might feel apprehensive about the treatment and might have questions about why you need it. So, it is imperative to know why you might need to undergo this procedure.

The tooth contains a hard white layer called enamel beneath which is a softer layer called dentin. The inner part consists of a pulp chamber that includes the root canal system and the pulp. The pulp is the part of a tooth that makes it vital and also nourishes the tooth. It consists of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues. If the root canal becomes infected or inflamed, the tooth might need a root canal treatment. The pulp can be inflamed if there is:
  • Deep tooth decay
  • Repeated procedures on a tooth.
  • Crack or chip on tooth
  • Large dental fillings
  • Presence of gum diseases
  • Injury or trauma to the tooth.

Why is root canal procedure?

A root canal treatment or an endodontic treatment is a dental procedure that treats a badly decayed or damaged tooth and repairs it to save it. It aims to remove the infected or inflamed pulp that causes pressure on the tooth and cause pain. An endodontically untreated tooth can lead to spreading of the infection to the underlying bone and tissues via the roots. It creates swelling and pain in the gums surrounding it. Since the bone keeps the tooth in the socket, the progression of the disease could lead to loss of tooth from the cavity.

Saving the tooth through the root canal treatment can ensure:
  • Normal biting sensation and force
  • Natural appearance of the tooth
  • Prevents other teeth from damage
  • Efficient chewing

What to expect during the procedure?

Orange County Root Canal professional, Dr. Fay Mansouri recommends finding a good endodontist for a successful pain-free treatment. An endodontist is a professional dentist who specializes in the endodontic branch of dentistry recognized by American Dental Association.

The treatment usually is completed in one or two visits. The root canal procedures have advanced to give a painless treatment, and you will feel very little or no pain at all during the process. The method involves:
  • Diagnosis: The procedure is started by taking the X-ray of the tooth. It ensures the need for root canal treatment and the extent of the infection. It also helps in confirming the anatomy of the tooth to be treated.
  • Preparation: It is required to the numb the tooth, and the surrounding structures as the inflammation can cause a lot of pain. The dentist will administer a local anesthetic solution in the gums of the tooth to be treated. The insertion of the needle might pinch a bit but ensures a painless treatment.
  • Isolation: The tooth to be treated is isolated or separated from the oral environment to prevent contamination. The dentist places a rubber dam sheet over the tooth.
  • Access opening: A dental bur or drill is used to make a hole or cavity on the biting surface of the back tooth. In the front teeth, the hole is formed on the back side of the tooth.
  • Cleaning and shaping: When the access to the pulp chamber is gained the pulp is removed along with the debris using endodontic files. The canals are then disinfected using antiseptic and antibacterial solutions.
  • The canals are then filled with a rubber-like material called Gutta Percha to prevent further infection.
  • The canals are then sealed using a temporary filling to protect it until a permanent filling or crown is placed.
  • Until the placement of the crown, it is normal for the tooth to be sensitive.
  • You will be called for a second visit where the crown is placed according to your preference. The crown helps to provide strength to the tooth which gets prone to fracture due to the treatment.
A root canal treatment is a relatively less painful or painless option. It is handy for saving the tooth. You can very easily and quickly get back to smiling and chewing without problems.




  1. Nice blog ! Thanks for sharing such a great info about the root canal treatment and it's procedure . A root canal is a procedure used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. For more about root canal , visit Brandon Dentist

  2. Great blog! With modern technology and anesthetics, you won’t experience any more pain for your root canal treatment than if you went to have a cavity filled.

  3. Root canal treatment not at all painful if you go to a good dentist just trust me.


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