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What is glaucoma? What are it's different types

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye disease that damages the optic nerve of the eyes leading to loss of vision. It develops due to an increased level of intraocular pressure. It may also lead to complete blindness. The optic nerve damages due to the pressure built up by the deposit of extra fluid in the front part of the eye. It is one of the significant causes of blindness in the world.
What is glaucoma?

What are the different types of glaucoma?

There are Five main types of glaucoma. They are:
  1. Primary open angle glaucoma: This is the most common type of glaucoma. This kind of glaucoma is caused when the eye cannot drain the right amount of fluid and this fluid deposits elevating the intraocular pressure. This type of glaucoma does not show any symptoms. It develops very slowly. If it is not cured, it can lead to gradual loss of vision. But if it is diagnosed early, medications can bring positive changes.
  2. Angle Closure Glaucoma or Acute Narrow-Angle Glaucoma: This kind of glaucoma occurs when the drainage canals are blocked or covered. When the iris is not open widely, it bulges over the drainage canal, thereby blocking it. It occurs when the pupil enlarges quickly while entering a dark place.
  3. Normal Pressure Glaucoma or low tension Glaucoma: This kind of glaucoma occurs when the optic nerve damages even though the pressure on the eye is reasonable or not very intense. The correct reason for this type of glaucoma is not known. But it is observed that this kind of glaucoma is inherent. It is also common in people of Japanese origin and people having heart disease.
  4. Congenital Glaucoma: Some children are born with glaucoma. They are born with a defect in their eyes which does not allow proper fluid drainage. The children suffering from congenital glaucoma experience cloudy vision, sensitivity to light and are teary-eyed. This kind of glaucoma is genetic.
  5. Secondary Glaucoma: This kind of glaucoma is caused due to the side effect of other conditions like cataract or due to injury. It also develops as a side effect of certain medicines. Sometimes it emerges after an eye surgery.

What are the symptoms of glaucoma?

Primary open angle glaucoma does not show any significant symptoms and slowly leads to vision loss. Patients with Acute closure Glaucoma have the following symptoms:
  • They are nauseous.
  • They experience severe eye pain.
  • They develop a tendency to vomit.
  • They have difficulty in vision.
  • They see cloudy images.
  • They see a halo around the light.
Some children with congenital glaucoma do not have any symptoms, but they show signs like:
  • They have enlarged cornea.
  • They become teary-eyed.
  • They develop a cloudy vision.
  • They start losing their vision gradually.

What is the treatment for glaucoma?

First, the optometrist conducts tests to see if the patient has glaucoma and once he is sure, he starts the procedure by giving eye drops and other medicines that control the intraocular pressure. But if the problem persists then the optometrist may refer the patient to an ophthalmologist for surgery. The ophthalmologist may recommend surgery to destroy tissues and clear drainage paths so that the fluids do not deposit in the eye and the intraocular pressure is maintained.

eye drops
If a patient is diagnosed with acute narrow-angle glaucoma, then he needs immediate therapy to control the intraocular pressure. Initially, the ophthalmologist may give medicines, but if it doesn't work, then the doctor might suggest a laser surgery (laser peripheral iridotomy). In this operation, small holes are made in the iris to drain extra fluid. Patients with acute narrow-angle glaucoma need immediate treatment as they experience severe eye pain and nausea.

How can we prevent glaucoma?

Glaucoma cannot be prevented, but the effect of glaucoma, that is a gradual loss of vision which eventually leads to blindness can be stopped. If glaucoma is discovered at an early stage, the doctor gives medications to control the intraocular pressure, and further damage to eyesight is restricted. The vision lost because of glaucoma cannot be restored.
Dr. Durocher, a Lebanon optometrist, advises that everyone should go for regular eye check-ups so that if there is an eye disease or problems with the vision, it can be detected and treated on time.
Our eyes are the most significant gifts of nature. They help us to see and appreciate the beauty of nature and also helps us to do our daily activities without any problems. So we must preserve our eyesight and protect it from physical trauma to enjoy a healthy and fruitful life.


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