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Important Points About Tooth Sensitivity And Dental Emergencies

Teeth problems can be very bothering, and any sort of problem with it leading to pain is mostly unbearable. 

Teeth are one of those parts of our body which require regular, consistent care, which is nothing extra but too essential but ignoring that primary care might lead people into disastrous dental problems or mouth and oral problems as well. 

One of the most widespread problems people have to deal with is tooth sensitivity. It is seen in the majority of the people irrespective of age. It is not seen in babies, but most of the people including the elderly ones develop tooth sensitivity over time. 

We often tend to ignore it as it seems to be a minor issue, but this ignorance can lead to a more significant pain in future which probably will be incurable as well. 

What Is Tooth Sensitivity? 

Tooth sensitivity can be defined as discomfort or tingling feel in your teeth when you consume something cold, hot or sweet. It generally happens at a particular site or teeth not throughout the entire teeth socket. 

Important Points About Tooth Sensitivity And Dental Emergencies
Tooth Sensitivity
The pain persists for like few seconds while you chew the food and gradually disappears with time. 

Since the pain is coming in the short course of time and is not persisting for a long time people often ignore it. But in these cases, you definitely should consult a proper dentist. 

What Are The Probable Causes Of Tooth Sensitivity? 

  • Aggressive brushing: Often brushing for a prolonged period or aggressively brushing for a long time might lead to the erosion of tooth for which sensitivity occurs. Also brushing with hard bristles toothbrush can cause tooth erosion as well. 
  • Consuming high amount of acidic beverages or acidic food leads to tooth erosion which again causes severe tooth sensitivity. 
  • Worn out enamel due to over brushing also causes sensitivity. 
  • There are people with tendencies of grinding their teeth while sleeping or just like a habit; This leads to the erosion of teeth as well. Erosion leads to sensitivity again. 
  • A broken tooth which makes your dentine portion exposed leads to sensitivity and the pain is awful in this case. 
  • Tooth surgery when goes wrong might lead the root portion to become exposed which is again another reason why we develop sensitivity. 
  • Sometimes after getting a dental surgery, post surgery symptoms result in tooth sensitivity; This is temporary and can be managed with certain drugs only. 
  • Accumulation of excessive plaque can lead into sensitivity as well, plaque deposition erodes out enamel, and thus the nerves get exposed due to which when we eat something too hot or too cold or sweet it causes a tingling sensation in our tooth. 
  • Since the pain due to tooth sensitivity is a very short-term or something that does not persist and extends over a long period. Most of the people tend to ignore it thinking it might go away or in most of the cases cannot even understand it is happening due to tooth sensitivity.

Symptoms Of Tooth Sensitivity 

The symptoms of sensitivity are mainly visible when we consume something. The discomfort or the tingling sensation happening on our teeth is the only symptom of tooth sensitivity, and this happens when we eat or drink the following things- 
  1. Hot food 
  2. Cold food or Cold drinks 
  3. Acidic beverages. 
  4. Cold air.
  5. Alcohol-based mouthwash 

Preventions Of Tooth Sensitivity 

  • Toothpaste that is made explicitly for reducing tooth sensitivity can be chosen. Many brands are selling them nowadays. These kinds of toothpaste contain desensitizing ingredients which help in reducing the pain by blocking the tingling sensation to reach the nerves. 
Important Points About Tooth Sensitivity And Dental Emergencies
Toothbrush And Fluoride Toothpaste
  • You can also choose alcohol-free mouthwashes; this is also sold by numerous brands and is perfect to stop mouth sensitivity. 
  • You can even opt for soft bristles toothbrushes to stop the erosion of teeth which happens when you vigorously brush your teeth with hard bristles toothbrushes. 
  • Avoid having any acidic food or beverages. 
  • Stop consuming very hot or chilly cold things until the pain is cured.

Treatment Of Tooth Sensitivity 

Due to a specific disorder named Gastroesophageal reflux or GERD, the acidic materials or juices from the gut comes up through the esophagus which when comes in contact with the teeth can lead to erosion. This disorder cannot be self-treated. It is a necessity to visit a dentist or a medicinal doctor to cure it. It can be treated with antibiotics or acid reducing agents. 

Consult a dentist if your pain is not being cured even after adopting all the above mentioned preventive measures. They will give injections of desensitizing elements into your gums or enamel which will cure the pain. 

Treatment for any teeth disorder is a necessity in the early stages. 

Dr. Paul Kim, a well-known Torrance Dentist, advises visiting a dentist as soon as the pain starts when you eat or drink something hot or cold. Ignorance of these situations is never an amusing thing to do.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to share this wonderful article with us. This will be helpful for people who may be feeling discomfort or pain when eating or drinking certain foods and drinks. Have a great rest of your day.
    Dentist Philadelphia


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