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When You Need Veneers

You have probably heard someone talk about “veneers” once or twice before, but you are still a bit unsure as to what they are, how well they work, or what they are for.

Dental veneers are thin shells customized to fit over your teeth so that you get a nice, natural, and uniform smile. They are often made from composite resin or porcelain and are used in cases where your teeth might be misaligned, chipped, or stained. You can even use them in situations where you have abnormal spaces between your teeth.

When You Need Veneers
Dental Veneers

But What Are They?

Veneers, simply put, are a layer of restorative material which replaces your tooth enamel and is bonded to your teeth. You can improve your smile and even get a brighter, whiter smile if other whitening methods have failed to work. Veneers require very minimal preparation, so they are a faster and safer alternative to procedures like dental crowns.

So, How Do You Know If You Need Veneers?

Well, there are many situations wherein you might need veneers:

1. Your Teeth Are Stained

If your teeth are severely stained, regular whitening treatments might not cut it, in which case, veneers can be used as an alternative to cover up your stains instead.

2. You Have Cosmetic Imperfections

Many adults might have cracks, chips in their teeth, or otherwise misshapen teeth but a veneer can cover this for life, rather than dental bonding which is just temporary.

3. You Could Have Cosmetic Issues

If you have cosmetic issues you want to fix, like a stained tooth or a crooked tooth, you might consider veneers as a way to fix the issue.

You can talk to your Covington Dentist about veneers to decide if they are the right choice for you. You might even be able to rectify two problems at once, with one procedure if veneers work out.

So How Does The Procedure Work?

You typically need to visit your dentist three times for your veneers procedure. You have an initial consultation. The second trip is where the veneers are made. The third trip, the veneers are applied. The process is the same whether you are treating one tooth or many teeth.

Naturally, the cost is contingent upon how many veneers you require and your dentist.

During the first appointment, your dentist will examine your teeth to make sure this is the best solution. They will likely take x-rays or impressions of your teeth.

When You Need Veneers
Dental Checkup

The dentist will use the second appointment to remove about ½ mm of your tooth enamel which is the same thickness of your veneers. This will allow your veneers to fit perfectly into space. You will, of course, have a local anesthetic before this process is done. With that, the dentist will create a mold of your teeth which will be sent to a laboratory. In 2 to 4 weeks your veneers will come back, ready to be applied.

For the bonding, your Covington Dentist will make sure the size and color are correct and trim anything that needs to be trimmed. They will clean, polish, and prepare your teeth with a bond before they apply the veneer. Chemicals are used to activate the special bonding cement so that it hardens immediately.

A few weeks after the process has been completed, you will likely visit your Covington Dentist for a follow-up appointment. The purpose here is to make sure that the veneers are responding well with your gums and that the placement is perfect.

How Long Do They Last?

Veneers will typically last between seven and fifteen years at which point they will need to be replaced. Proper dental care will extend the lifetime. Much the same, bad dental habits can shorten the lifespan of your veneers. Veneers can get stained the same way your regular teeth can, so if you are getting veneers to cover wine or coffee stains, they try to alleviate the wine and coffee intake thereafter, or your veneers will become stained too.

Veneers are not a permanent fix, but they will help you long term. You can keep good care of your veneers by flossing regularly, brushing two times per day, visiting your dentist regularly, and otherwise taking care of your dental health. 


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